Sunday, January 10, 2010

The weekend

I'm not even sure what I am up to here! I have been very diligent in taking my photos- that is the easy part! I do have a good excuse that I have a beautiful new laptop to play on, and have yet to sort out all of my stuff. So I will add my images, and hopefully be organised enough to post mt first weeks layout! I was so excited to have accomplished something.
I am only adding yesterdays photo tonight. It has been UNBELIEVABLY hot here. over 40 yesterday and today with no end in sight. The poor kids. On the upside, the Wii has been getting quite a workout, as it lets ted at least move about with some purpose while staying cool inside. One of his favourite games is swordplay- he rushes at the TV and yells out 'You don't eat your peas cheese and toast' before knocking his opponent off the side and into the water! It is quite amusing, especially as his big tactic is just waving the remote around everywhere. he is getting quite good, and I have adopted his technique also (without the yelling- ted provides that for me) and have a score of 916. Almost pro!


  1. Ah the Wii! We keep talking about getting one! maybe some day!

  2. hihi, its so funny to hear that across the miles we are both using the Wii for the same purpose! Only my boys need it to use up energy because it is too cold and snowy to go outside!
    Great photo, and I can well imagine the soundtrack to go with it!
